
Monday 21 April 2014

Peach & Gold Polka Dot Pedicure

Hey :)

I shall be posting again tomorrow as I am going to do my nails ready for going back to work on Wednesday.  I am not sure what design I am going to do yet. Decisions!! My pedicure design this week is a really pretty summery design using a lovely pastel peach colour.  I think peach goes really well with gold, so I decided to do a gold polka dot design.  Polka dots are the easiest design to create.  If you have dotting tools then this will be super easy, if not you can use other tools like: the end of a paintbrush, pencil, bobby pin or cotton buds.  Unfortunately the camera does not do the colour of the design justice, but I hope you like the design.
Dee .x.

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