
Sunday 19 April 2015

Lace & Rose Nail Art

Hey again,

It's been 2 weeks since I last posted which seems like an age!  I have been on my half term break from work so haven't actually painted my nails.  I thought I would let them 'breathe' and then I read an article about nails not actually breathing because they're already dead, and so therefore they don't need a break from nail polish.  So I feel rather silly, as I also have ended up breaking 2 nails because they aren't so strong without polish on them.  I won't be doing that again!!'s my nail art design for this week.  I have gone for an intricate design of lace and roses.  This took over 3 hours to create, but so worth it, I love them!!  I used my new pastel blue colour from Barry M called 'Hucklebury'  I hope you like this design as much as I do.
I plan on creating a new logo for NailDeesignz and am looking for a slogan to go on it.  Please comment and let me know your ideas.  I am looking for something really clever and unique, and preferably with my name Dee in it.  I would be so grateful for your suggestions please.
Dee .x.

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