
Thursday 19 May 2016

Scalloped Nail Art


This week's nail art is a summery scalloped design.  This is a design which surprisingly didn't take too long to do, despite the fact it looks really complicated.  I've had various comments this week about 'how did you do it?' 'where did you start?'  It's far easier than it looks.  There are 2 techniques really for this, but I think this one is easier.  I started with a yellow base, then started at the cuticle end of my nail.  Put a line of dots of orange (which was my second colour) - I did this on all of my nails first, so that it gave it chance to dry, as you can't paint another colour over wet nails.  Then I went in with the Pink and slightly overlapped the orange, and again, did all of my nails, then repeated with yellow, orange, pink etc.  The only downside to this design is, that unless all of your nails are exactly the same length, and you're good at getting them accurately overlapped, the bottom colour may be different on each nail.  Luckily mine weren't too bad, just the yellow as the end of my nail was slightly thicker on some nails, because I didn't want a different colour ending up on each.
As with most of my designs, this design can be changed up with a variety of different colours, so please show me your recreations.  I think this design would look amazing with different shades of blue!!
Dee .x.

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