
Saturday 11 March 2017

Checkered Nail Art


As usual, I am behind with my blogging.  This is in fact my nail art from 2 weeks ago.  I love this design, as it looks so difficult, but in fact it wasn't too hard to create at all.  I do however wish that I'd done it in different colours, like 2 shades of pink, as I have done a lot of black and white designs so far this year.  I am still really happy with it though.  I had many questions when wearing this design if it was a transfer, or if i'd painted in myself, and I did infact paint it all freehand, as I do with all of my designs. (I am not a fan of transfers.)

I started with a white base, then took a really thin striping paint brush dipped in black, and drew in some lines.  I then used a smaller paint brush to fill in every other square. It's that's simple!!  I do hope you give this design a try, and maybe later on in the year I will do it again with different colours.  Please don't forget to show me if you do different colours too.
Dee .x.

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