Sunday, 18 June 2017

Father's Day Nail Art


It's Father's Day today here in the UK.  I was unlucky and lost my Dad when I was 8, which was devastating at the time, and I still remember it like it was yesterday.  There isn't a day when I don't think about him, especially when things happen in my life that I would want him to see and be proud of, like when I got married.  I do however, have the best Step-Dad who really looks after me, and treats me like I am his own, which I am so so grateful for.

So I created this manicure in memory of my Dad and in celebration of my amazing Step-Dad.  What a better design to do than ties, which most men wear to work (beside's my hubby who is lucky enough to wear what he likes to work!)

I only painted this design on one of my hands, which is very unusual for me, because I wasn't too pleased with how it turned out, so I didn't see the point on doing it on the other hand too.  Let me know your thoughts.

I hope you spoiled your Dad or Step-Dad too!!
Dee .x.

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